Corporate News Industry Information

JMFILTEC's Silicon Carbide Column Membrane Products


This product is an innovative product that breaks the boundary between the application scenarios of inorganic and organic membranes...

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Nanobubbles In Water Treatment: The Future Of Purification

Water is essential to life, but its purity is often compromised by pollutants such as organic matter, heavy metal ions, and bacteria. Traditional methods of water treatment often fall short in eliminating these...

Ultrafiltration Membrane Filtration In Seawater Desalination

In recent years, the shortage of freshwater resources has become an increasingly severe global problem. Seawater desalination has been seen as a promising solution to alleviate this issue....

What Is Ultrafiltration Membrane

Membrane liquid separation technology can be generally divided into four categories according to the operating pressure and the average pore size of the membrane used...

2024 Industrial Waste Salt And High-Salt Wastewater Comprehensive Utilization Exchange Conference And Supply And Demand Matchmaking Conference

As China's ecological and environmental protection policies become more stringent, governments at all levels in my country are actively promoting the resource utilization, reduction and zero...

Chemical free circulating water treatment, pipeline anti scaling system<br>——Efficiently control the fouling and corrosion of pipelines, heat exchangers, and gas-liquid exchange interfaces, and inhibit bacteria

Scaling and corrosion have been affecting the cooling system. Due to the increasingly serious environmental problems...

Urban And Rural Municipal Infrastructure And Drinking Water Equipment Will Continue To Be Updated

In order to thoroughly implement the decisions and deployments of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, as well as the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee...